My 10 Favourite Posts (A Retrospect of 10 Years of Blogging)

March 18, 2022 marks the 10th anniversary of the official launch of my blog.  It’s been 10 years of generating ideas and putting them into words and typing it to my laptop or smart phone and even conceptualizing and creating images!!!

If you have been following my blog for a while now, you know that I have repeatedly mentioned that this blog started out as a just for fun blog and was born out of my passion in writing. Keeping a blog is not easy, aside from the cost of maintaining it, the time, patience and hard work that you have to put in were also some of the challenges that you have to face, and I am just glad that I am still here after 10 years.  As I mentioned in my blog anniversary post last year, I am probably a late-bloomer blogger.  But this blog somehow is a realization of my high-school dream to become a writer. It may not be exactly what I dreamed of but the thought that even people I don’t know gets to read what I put in here.  You just don’t know how I still feel excited whenever I receive emails or comments in my posts from people who read my articles.

Looking back, it is really amazing how my blog and I went through a lot of changes, I did my best to stay consistent and to publish regularly.  My busy schedule and the new profession that I decided to pursue somehow stopped me from posting every two weeks. But this cup, will always be a part of me and as long as I have the creative itch to scratch, I will make sure that I keep filing of my “Cup of Tyh” in one way or another.

To celebrate 10 years of blogging, I want to share with you 10 of my favorite posts in the past 10 years:

10 – 10 Things About Jeremy Senaris(2016)

When the new season MasterChef Canada was about to start in 2016, I got very excited when I learned that one of the top 40 home cook hopefuls is not just a Winnipegger but is also a Filipino.  I immediately googled him and found hid Instagram account, I immediately sent him a private message to congratulate him and to also ask him if I can feature him in my blog, he immediately said yes. This is one of my favorite posts because this was the very first post that I featured someone that I have to interview. It is something special for me because this is one of those occasions that I was pushed to come out of my comfort zone because of my desire to offer something different in my blog.

09 – 10 Lessons That Canada Taught Me (2019)

In celebration of our 10thyear in Canada, I decided to publish about my personal experience as an immigrant and the lessons that I learned along the way.  Life in Canada is not perfect, in fact, it is very challenging and there were times that I questioned my decision of moving here but Canada has been very good to me and to my family.  Living in Canada has changed some of my life’s perspective 

08 – My Fifth in Peg and my “My Five” (2014)

“I believe that a person needs not to be famous to influence or create an impact to other people’s lives, sometimes all it takes is a good deed, an inspiring word, or even an arrogant attitude to touch another person’s life and that person can either remember you in a positive or negative way.”

“I believe that a person needs not to be famous to influence or create an impact to other people’s lives, sometimes all it takes is a good deed, an inspiring word, or even an arrogant attitude to touch another person’s life and that person can either remember you in a positive or negative way.”

07 – My First (Ever) Speaking Gig (2019)

One of the doors that opened for me because of this blog is the chance to share my blogging experience and how I learned my skills in writing to a group of high school students in Winnipeg.  For the longest time I was so afraid to speak in front of a group of people, so I didn’t imagine that one day I will be able to speak at a conference.  I have always doubted my ability in public speaking, I always thought that if ever you are to speak, you must be able to make and deliver an A+ content. 

For someone who’d rather sit in front of her laptop to express herself, this is a nerve-wracking experience but it was fun and I guess that’s one for the books for me.

06 – Leaving Home (2015)

Homesickness made me publish this article, I came out with this post after watching a You Tube video about Overseas Filipino Workers’ sacrifices (unfortunately the video is now a private video). I suddenly realized how you will only realize that your hometown is much closer to your heart than you ever thought until you live away from “home.”

After staying in Canada, for a few years, it feels like when you’ve been away from home for many years, life passes by at full speed.  “What am I missing?” will always be your question, because whenever you look back, you’ll realize that so much had happened in your absence, you realize that life back home went on without you.

05 – 5 Reasons Why I Want My Kids to Learn Tagalog (2018)

Each parent, has their own ways when it comes to raising their children and they have their own reasons in letting their children do certain things.  Regardless if my children will live in the Philippines or not, it is very important for me that they know how to speak our native language, I want them to learn Tagalog to help them appreciate our home country and its culture.

This article was selected for inclusion in the Buwan ng Wika Campaign of Twinkl, an England-based educational resource publisher.

04 – 44 Life Lessons We Wish We Knew When We Were Younger (2021)

This is one of the most special posts that I published, in celebration of my repdigit birthday, I made some of my friends, classmates, batchmates and co-workers to confess the life lessons that they wish they knew when they were younger. 

To date, this article is one of the most viewed articles in my blog. 

03 – What Turning 40 Means to Me (2018)

If you won’t plan your time effectively you tend to keep doing the things that will keep you away from what you are supposed to do and before you know it another year has gone by. 

This article is very personal for me, this is the first article that discussed about mid-life where I also shared some of the regrets that I have and the lessons that I have to learn the hard way.  I recently read this article and I still can’t believe that I was able to come up with this article, I still can’t believe that I published what I shared in that article.

02 – A “Welcome to Remember” to New Immigrants (2015)

Welcome Pack Canada created a meaningful Welcome to Remember program for newcomers

This article is special to me because after publishing this, a lot of doors opened to me.  It became one of the most popular articles in my blog until I was offered to collaborate with the people behind Welcome Pack Boxes – this is where introduced this newcomer’s kit t new immigrants in Manitoba. 

01 – You Can’t Wait Until Life Isn’t Hard Anymore Before You Decide to be Happy (2021)

If you’re lost, we’re all a little lost and it’s all right, it’s all right to be lost sometimes

This article was the top most viewed article in my blog to this date.  I came up with this article right after I watched the viral video of the golden buzz moment of the 30-year-old beautiful woman who auditioned for America’s Got Talent season 16 named Jane Marczwenski (she goes by the stage name Nightbirde). Her less than 8 minutes audition video is one of the most moving and inspiring that I’ve watched and made me even realized that life is really short, we won’t be in this earth forever, while we can and while we still have the ability to increase the quality of our life, we should not postpone it, we should learn to live in the “now.”

There you have it, my 10 favorites! Thank you for dropping by and celebrating with me.

What’s next you may ask? Well, I am not going anywhere, I am here to stay.  However, I cannot promise that I can post more than one article in a month (Yay me if I write two posts in a month!) I have a lot of things in my plate right now, so I don’t want to pressure my self in having to post just to “keep up.” And I will be more transparent and honest about my thoughts and feeling in my next posts.  Life is too short to pretend that everything’s great when it isn’t.  The stories that I will share about myself and my mid-life journey will share a lot of real experiences.

It’s been fun sharing this little space of mine with you, THANK YOU SO MUCH for allowing me to share all my journeys with you, from my blogger-wannabe journey to my immigrant journey to my new profession to my mid-life journey and most of all to my superwoman-wannabe journey. I am truly grateful for each one of you.

Cheers to 10 years!

With Love,



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