Celebrating 15 Years in Canada: A Journey of Growth and Gratitude

It’s been 15 years since I set foot in this beautiful country with my family. If you’ve been sticking with me in this corner for a while now, you would have known that I moved to Canada from the Philippines. Some might call that being an expat, but I prefer the term “immigrant.” It’s a word that carries the weight of dreams, the struggle for a better future, and the courage to leave everything familiar behind.

The decision to move was a huge change in my life - one that has brought me to where I am now. Reflecting on this journey, I am filled with both amazement and gratitude.

My Winnipeg story began with humble beginnings. I started working in a coffee shop - for others it was just a job that I should naturally have, but it was not the job that I expect to have back then. No one knew that deep inside my heart, each cup I handed over in the drive thru window was a small step to “a better life that I want”, it was a testament to my determination to make it in a foreign land. From there, I moved on to other jobs, from making flight bookings, opening doors to the wider world and broader horizons. Administrative jobs followed, where I honed my organizational skills and knew more about the culture at work in Canada.  As time passed, I found myself efficiently managing an office operation of over 200 employees. It was a demanding role, but it taught me the value of leadership and the importance of fostering a positive work environment. I then transitioned to assisting employees with their company benefits and planning for their retirement. It was fulfilling work, knowing I was helping others secure their futures.

Today, I help families step into their dream homes and plan their financial futures. Bringing with me my more than 25 years of combined background in Human Resources, the new hats that I decided to wear were combine my passion for financial literacy with my desire to support and uplift others.

Throughout all these career transitions, I’ve made sure to be there for my three wonderful children, ensuring they grow up in a loving and supportive environment. Balancing career and family life has been challenging, but it’s also been incredibly rewarding. Each time I look at my children, I feel proud of the life we’ve built together.

When I think back to the person I was before coming to Canada—a clingy, cautious, and fearful lady—I’m astonished by the transformation. Though there are still things that worry me, I’ve grown more confident and assertive. Winnipeg, and Canada as a whole, has shaped me into the woman I didn’t know I could be. I’ve learned to be braver and to embrace uncertainty, trading certainty for possibilities in various areas of my life.

The journey hasn’t been easy. It’s been a long process filled with daily challenges and sacrifices. Being away from my family and the familiar comforts of the Philippines has been tough. Yet, when I look back at the past two decades, I realize that the growth and opportunities I’ve experienced here wouldn’t have been possible had I stayed in my home country.

I am immensely grateful for the experiences and opportunities that Canada has provided me. This country has given me a new home, a new identity, and a chance to build a better future for myself and my family. I am proud of where I came from, and I carry my Filipino heritage with pride as I continue to navigate life in Canada. In my heart, I will aways be a proud Filipino.

Now, I want to hear from you fellow immigrants, what is your immigrant story? How did your journey shaped you and your life? Share your experiences and let’s celebrate the strength, resilience, and dreams that define our immigrant journeys.



Sharing My Immigrant Journey at a Sector Specific Networking Event