My New Year's Resolutions and How I'm Sticking with them

I originally started to write about my New Year’s resolution in the beginning of the year, I knew it is one of the contents that is expected from a space like this during the beginning of the year.  Most readers would expect to see a well-researched and well-written content enumerating suggestions of what you should change and what you should adapt and how to do it consistently.

But I wasn’t able to complete and publish that article.  I wasn’t sure if I really want to do that, not that I do not have any New Year’s resolution, it’s just I was not sure if it’ll be interesting as there are a lot more interesting things to share about the past year especially that 2020 is a year that none of us imagined it would be. 

Today, while writing on my journal, I had the chance to go through my goals for 2021 that I have written in my Filofax so I can always see it and be reminded of it.  Then, I thought maybe I can actually share a couple of my goals for 2021.  Anyway, it’s the Lunar New Year on Friday, it’s still a new year.

To be honest, my goals for 2021 are the same with what I have in 2020, I am “recycling” them because I feel that I did not accomplished a lot of significant things in 2020, I didn’t have any pressure to do or complete anything as I was too busy worrying about what is happening and trying to adapt to the new routine.  Yes, most of my goals are the same, but I made a promise to myself that this time around if not fail-proof I should makes sure that I made the effort to act on them.

 #1 Getting back in shape and staying active.  Funny how this one has been in my list year after year.  I would actually try to be strict with my food intake and I will really try pushing myself to exercise in the morning, it will consistently do it in the first 3 to 4 months of the year until I’ll do it less often in a week and by the end of the year, I won’t get the results that I want to achieve.  So, this time around I am more determined – I am cutting my carbo intake (especially rice) and exercise 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes.

#2 Practice gratitude.  I always wanted to be more grateful in very situation and I guess I did pretty well on this last year but I want to be better at it in 2021. We all lived through a lot of challenges in 2020 and there are so many things that we cannot suddenly do, so this time around I want to appreciate every little thing that I have and I am experiencing.

#3 To have a routine. Not that I didn’t have a routine, I have a routine, pre-pandemic. It’s been a year since I work from home, this has affected my daily routine a lot.  I want to get back on track and bring back my morning routine as well as my routine as a mom and a woman in business. 

#4 Be kind to others and to yourself. Growing up, my parents and my Lola (grandmother) will always remind me to be kind and generous especially to those people in need, I want to continue be kind and be a good example to my 3 children and let them know that “kindness” never goes out of fashion.  And as much as it is important to show kindness to others, it is also important that you be kind to yourself.  If there’s one person that you should try to make happy that should be yourself first.

#5 Educate more clients on financial planning.  When I decided to become a financial advisor, I adopted the belief that “Whenever my clients win, I win.”  I am determined to provide advice not just for their investment and insurance needs but to also help them develop strategies that will help them achieve their goals and in order to do that I am making sure that I keep learning and that I always skill up.  

#6 Focus on financial well-being.  I would like to believe that I am a good saver, I just made some bad financial decisions in the past that lead me to loosing my life savings. But after sooo many years, I have finally forgiven myself and I am now determined to get back on track.  I want to save more, make worthy investments and put my retirement preparation in order.  So far, I guess, I am doing a great job.

#7 Focus and be consistent with my blog and social media accounts. I didn’t publish as much content as I can even though I have a lot of articles that I started writing and I had more time during the lockdown. In 2021, I will make sure that I will post worthy articles regularly and if in the past years my social media presence appeared to be just a hobby for me and I will only post whenever I get the chance, this time, I want to take blogging more seriously, in 2021, I intend to publish at least 2 blogs a month and to post good contents in my IG account and FB page. I am contemplating on starting my own YouTube Channel but this require me to learn video editing so I have to think about this carefully.

This will be a very long post if I will list all my resolutions, the items I listed above are just some of the most important things and habits that I want to do or to continue doing in 2021.  Do we have anything in common? Let me know in your comment below.

Gong Xi Fa Cai! Wish you good health and much success in 2021!



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