A Eulogy for My Most Favourite Boss..

Since summer of this year, I have been in touch with some of my former colleagues from my very first job in the Philippines. Of all the jobs that I had, I consider my first job to be the most memorable one because I did not just grow professionally from this job, it is also where I met a lot of people who became really close to me, this is also where I met Mr. Noel Mendoza, a.k.a. Sir Ninong Noel, my most favorite boss. 

I cannot find the right words to express how sad I really am upon learning that he is gone, even while writing this post, I am still unable to put my thoughts together.  His unexpected passing really saddened me… He is one of the people that I highly respected, hence, I want to express what he meant to me to the best that I can, through this little corner of mine.

It is customary to pay tribute to someone who pass away, more often than not, giving eulogy has been one of the ways that we do for someone who died in order for us to remember the good memories we shared with them. 

So allow me to share mine in the most simple way I can…

A eulogy for my most favorite boss

If there’s one thing that I wish I did when I was in the Philippines last December, I wish I met you and personally told you how grateful I am that I worked with a boss like you. I wish I had the chance to tell you where I’ve been, what I’ve become and what I did after working under your mentorship for almost 5 years.

When I first worked with you, I was just a fresh, young graduate. Back then I didn’t think that you will be my favorite boss, though I was grateful that you trusted that young and experience less β€œnene” to be one of your HR Assistants, I didn’t know how good you were. Those years that I worked with you, you were not just a boss to me, you were also a great mentor and a friend. You inspired me, mentored me and helped me grow as a person and make the right career decisions. You have seen me through the important stages of my life – when I got heart-broken (and you scolded me about it), when I enrolled in graduate school, when I fell in love again until I decided to get married and I started my own family.

It’s all too common in the workplace that we hear stories of the nightmare bosses, but I was fortunate that I did not have that story when you were still my boss. In the two different companies that I worked with you, your approach to me was always as a coach, you guided me and patiently taught me the things that I need to learn. Working with you was fun, even on those days that we have to work really hard, you didn’t make it so hard for me.

You gave me a big job! When you hired me, I don’t even have an idea what and how am I going to do my job. But you trusted me with responsibilities that gave me opportunities to show what I got, that’s how you allowed me to learn. And when I did something great, you were quick to tell me so. You just don’t know how moments like those and how your encouraging words built my confidence.

You allowed me to grow and develop under your wings, you inspired me to continue to study by enrolling in graduate school, you introduced me to premier association of human resource and people managers in the Philippines where I met a lot of successful and talented people like you. You patiently mentored me in the skills and values that I need to be a good β€œHR professional.”

I also witnessed how much importance you gave to your family, your love for them is undeniable.

I worked with other good bosses after you, but it turned out, you were one of a kind. I guess, it’s fair to say that the world lost a really good man – a loving brother, a thoughtful uncle, a true friend and one helluva boss ?

You may be gone before us too soon, Sir Noel but your memories will remain in our hearts…


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